"If you do not like your life, change it."

"If you do not like your life, change it." If you are not doing anything to change your life, then you probably do not hate your life as much as you say you do.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some cool Rajni jokes

1. If Rajnikanth Was Born 200 Years Ago Britishers Would've Fought For Independence.

2. Why Rajnikanth Doesn't Participate In Olympics? Because There's No Platinum Medal!

3. Alfred Nobel Was Nominated For Rajnikanth Award.

4. Black Cats Die Whn They Cross Rajnikanth On Street.

5. Whn Rajnikanth Enters Different States, Roaming Pay Rajnikanth.

6. Whrever Rajanikanth Goes, Telecom Minister Follows Him.

7. Rajnikantn Inserts His Visiting Card In Any ATM & Collects Cash.

8. Rajnikanth Was Using 4G In Nokia 1100 Since 1947.

9. Rajnikanth Is Thinking Of Changing His Name To "Rajnikan". Because It's Been Proved That 

There's Not Anything Whch "Rajni Can't.!"

10. Why does February not have 30 days?

Rajnikanth Was Born On 30th Feburary &; Since Then February Decided Not To Give This

Birthday To Anybody Else.

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