"If you do not like your life, change it."

"If you do not like your life, change it." If you are not doing anything to change your life, then you probably do not hate your life as much as you say you do.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Gossip-loving coworker, X: Hi Mam!! I saw your profile on FB.
Me:: Ok.....
X:: You have a lot of pics of your nephews and nieces.
Me:: Yes...(????)
X:: You seem to love kids. Why don't you have any?
Me:: I also love cats, horses and Brad Pitt. Don't have them either.

Note to self:: Get a DO NOT DISTURB sign for my door.

1 comment:

  1. You are sweet, ha ha. It's good.
    I like you writing; I laugh and enjoy ...
